NEMBA Grants
Each year New England Mountain Bike Association (NEMBA) provides financial support through grants to support our partners, community based organizations, and outdoor recreation stewards to support their initiatives. Our NEMBA awarded grants can go to support specific trail projects, programs to support cycling, or creating opportunities for outdoor recreation.
We're proud to support the like minded organizations that share our mission based goals and are building a better experience for all outdoor recreation enthusiasts.
NEMBA Trail Grants
Have a favorite trail that needs some TLC? Want to build a new one? Each year, NEMBA awards between $4000 and $5000 in grants for projects in the states where NEMBA has chapters.
NEMBA grants provide financial support to enable mountain bikers and trail stewardship partners to perform trail projects on public land where mountain biking is allowed. Preference is given to projects that build or improve trails, but all projects will be considered. These grants can be awarded to NEMBA chapters, land managers and non-profit organizations.
Grant requests can be from $100 to $1500.
Application Deadlines
April 30, 2025
Application Information
The following are required to be included in your application:
- Applicant Name, Organization, Email, Phone, Mailing Address
- Project Description: Why is the project beneficial and necessary? What trail problems will be addressed?
- Budget. Itemize the materials and costs of your project. Be as specific as possible.
- Map of where the project is to take place.
- Photos of project location
- Letter of Support from the land manager or management agency supporting and approving of your project.
Applications should be emailed to grants@nemba.org as a PDF.
2024 NEMBA Trail Grant Awardees include:
Northwest CT NEMBA
Momentum continues in the Constitution State. The Northwest CT community have grown their trails into some of the best in New England. Next up; an expert downhill trail network working collaboratively with a private land manager where the chapter has built relationships and begun work. This $7,500 grant will go to this build plus trail maintenance on existing trails working with CT DEEP.
Central NH NEMBA
The stoke at Great Gaines, NH continues. More trails, more flow, more fun. This grant will provide $10,000 for a machine built flow trail at Great Gaines and $5,000 to design a 5 mile flow trail at Kearsarge State Park in Warren, NH. Off the charts - congrats CNH!
Greater Portland NEMBA
GP NEMBA is set to get to work on improving the Lavoie Bike Park in Gorham, ME with a 1 mile beginner and adaptive loop. They'll also add skills areas. They've been awarded a $10,000 grant to help fund this project.
Southeast CT NEMBA
The Nathan Hale Ray Middle School in Moodus, CT is getting a makeover from SECT NEMBA with a $5,400 grant. Look out for some new trails, fresh bridges, and all new signage at this killer trail network!
Southcoast NEMBA
One of our newest NEMBA Chapters is off and running. They're set to begin work in the Freetown State Forest with a $6,200 grant that will support them with some epic bridge work. Congrats Southcoast!
Central CT NEMBA
Our CT chapters are making an impact throughout the state with Central CT receiving a $4,500 grant to get to work on some much needed bridges at West Rock Ridge State Park!
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Grants
NEMBA is looking to financially support programs that focus on diversity, equity and inclusion in cycling. While programs that feature mountain biking would be ideal, we feel that any program supporting cycling is beneficial to the sport as a whole. These grants can be awarded to NEMBA chapters, land managers, non-profit organizations and initiatives created by local groups within New England.
Grant requests can be from $100 to $1000 and will be awarded twice a year. Groups can submit one grant request per application cycle.
Application Deadlines
December 31 (Awarded February 15)
July 31 (Awarded September 15)
Application Information
The following are required to be included in your application:
- Applicant Name, Organization, Email, Phone, Mailing Address
- Detailed description of your initiative: Why is it beneficial and necessary? What issues will be addressed?
- Explanation of exactly what the grant funds would be used for and if there is funding support from other areas as well.
- Letter of Recommendation from current participant, or potential future participant of this initiative, supporting your project.
Applications should be emailed to grants@nemba.org as a PDF.
2022 DEI Grant Awardees included:
Hustle Hive- a Boston-area mountain bike team of women and gender expansive cyclists, used the DEI Grant to bring an educational workshop from the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) titled "The Path to Inclusion: An Understanding of Trans and Nonbinary Identities" to the team.
Richmond Mountain Trails- a Vermont-based 501c3 founded in 2017, they build and maintains multi-use trails in and around Richmond to promote community health and wellness, as well as to provide recreational opportunities. They used the grant to create trails for riders on adaptive bikes.
Hale Education- located in Westwood, MA, partners with Boston Public Schools (BPS) through the Hale Outdoor Learning Adventures (HOLA) and Intrepid Academy at Hale (IAH). By bridging the nature gap among urban youth and offering access to the kinds of specialized, experiential programming usually reserved for more affluent students, both HOLA and IAH mark Hale's conscious steps towards creating a more equitable world. The grant was used to support their mountain bike programs.
The Red Shed- is the home of the WRWC Bike Education Programs. The goal of the Red Shed is to grow more Woony River Heroes – making biking accessible to kids and families in neighborhoods along the Woony River Greenwayand beyond. The grant was used for parts and supplies for their bike fleet.
NEMBA Signature Trail Grants
NEMBA's Signature Trail Grant Program provides funding for exceptional trail projects spearheaded and executed by a NEMBA Chapter and are limited to the creation of new trails and trail systems.
Grant requests can be for any amount from $1000 - $10,000. With priority given to applications over $2,500.
Only open to NEMBA chapters, the program's goal is to "get more trails on the ground". Projects should be consistent with NEMBA's Strategic Plan. NEMBA Regional will communicate with chapters on the timeline and application process for Signature Trail Grants.
Part I (Deadline: April 30, 2025) - Email a one paragraph project description to grants@nemba.org. The NEMBA Trail Grants Committee will review your proposal and may invite you to submit a full grant proposal.
Part II (Deadline: May 2025 ) - Submit a full grant proposal. Winners will be announced by the end of May 2025.
2024 NEMBA Signature Trail Grant Awardees include:
Purple Valley NEMBA
$10,000 - To design a first class mountain bike trail network on 800+ acres of beautiful wooded land on the slopes of Berlin.
Piscataquis County NEMBA
$10,000 - To develop a dynamic new pump track on a 12,000 square-foot parcel allocated by the Town of Greenville. This initiative is part of the broader revitalization efforts for the Red Cross Public Beach Area, a strategic location at the heart of Greenville, Maine.